get_pending_comments_num ( $post_id )
- 参数
Either a single Post ID or an array of Post IDs- Required: 是
- 返回值
- (int|int[]) Either a single Posts pending comments as an int or an array of ints keyed on the Post IDs
- 定义位置
, line 147
- 引入
- 2.3.0
- 弃用
- –
Gets the number of pending comments on a post or posts.
function get_pending_comments_num( $post_id ) { global $wpdb; $single = false; if ( ! is_array( $post_id ) ) { $post_id_array = (array) $post_id; $single = true; } else { $post_id_array = $post_id; } $post_id_array = array_map( 'intval', $post_id_array ); $post_id_in = "'" . implode( "', '", $post_id_array ) . "'"; $pending = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT comment_post_ID, COUNT(comment_ID) as num_comments FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID IN ( $post_id_in ) AND comment_approved = '0' GROUP BY comment_post_ID", ARRAY_A ); if ( $single ) { if ( empty( $pending ) ) { return 0; } else { return absint( $pending[0]['num_comments'] ); } } $pending_keyed = array(); // Default to zero pending for all posts in request. foreach ( $post_id_array as $id ) { $pending_keyed[ $id ] = 0; } if ( ! empty( $pending ) ) { foreach ( $pending as $pend ) { $pending_keyed[ $pend['comment_post_ID'] ] = absint( $pend['num_comments'] ); } } return $pending_keyed; }