do_action( 'twentytwenty_end_of_post_meta_list', $post_id, $post_meta, $location )
- 参数
Post ID.- Required: 是
An array of post meta information.- Required: 是
The location where the meta is shown.
Accepts ‘single-top’ or ‘single-bottom’.- Required: 是
- 定义位置
- wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/inc/template-tags.php , line 486
- 引入
- Twenty Twenty 1.1 Added the `$post_meta` and `$location` parameters.
- 弃用
- –
Fires after post meta HTML display.
Allow output of additional post meta info to be added by child themes and plugins.
do_action( 'twentytwenty_end_of_post_meta_list', $post_id, $post_meta, $location );